Unison Regional Consultation GDP Base Year 2010 BPS Regency / City in Central Sulawesi - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banggai Kepulauan Regency

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Unison Regional Consultation GDP Base Year 2010 BPS Regency / City in Central Sulawesi

Unison Regional Consultation GDP Base Year 2010 BPS Regency / City in Central Sulawesi

May 18, 2015 | Other Activities

Unison Regional Consultation (Konserda) GDP base year 2010 BPS Regency / City in Central Sulawesi held from 18-21 May 2015 at the office hall BPS Central Sulawesi Province. BPS head of Central Sulawesi Province JB Priyono, M.Sc accompanied by Head of Regional Balance and Statistical Analysis Sukadana Sufii, S.Si, ME had the opportunity to open the event which took place on Tuesday, May 18, 2015. The participants of reconciliation in addition to the Section Head and employees of Regional Balance field and Statistical Analysis BPS Central Sulawesi province is Section Head of Regional Balance and Statistical Analysis BPS Regency / City in Central Sulawesi or the staff in charge of the section.

Over the last ten years, many changes occur that affect the national economy. Indonesia's GDP compiled based on state of the economy in 2000, or has lasted more than 10 years so that necessary adjustments. Changes in the base year using ISIC-2009 was carried out in two stages: 1. Benchmarking and referencing (new level adjustment and shift the base year) 2. rebasing (preparation GDP base year 2010, based SNA 2008).
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